Guess that Caption!
April 12, 2015
Guess that Caption!

This is a simple game where every other week, I’ll post a photo which has something to do with reading/ writing/ words and your job is to guess the caption. For example, the photo above is ‘What a novel way to start the day’. If this proves popular enough, I may start offering a prize for whoever guesses closest to the correct answer.
So guess the caption of the image below!

*All images are taken from the internet and are marked as free for reuse and modification. They are not owned by Rydia or Writing Gooder.
Tags: bookscaptionfungamesguessingimagepicturesillywordswriterswriting
Heather, who goes by Rydia on YWS, has long been an aspiring author. In the early days of her life she attached herself to poetry and would curl up on the playground bench to scrawl down lines of forgotten virtue. Or, more likely, little virtue at all.
At the very old age of 11, she joined The Young Writers Club and progressed into the realms of roleplay. Here she constructed characters to fight off dragons or rally to their allies' aid with healing spells; a joint love of gaming heavily influenced this fondness of adventure storybooks.
A few more years went by before Heather became a serious novelist and she still considers poetry to be her favourite media for getting those thoughts down on paper. Outside of writing her loves include puzzle books, strategy/ fantasy games, movies, swimming, skiing (when she actually has money), crafty things, baking, food in general, fun pranks and anything involving snow.
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