Challenge Corner #1 – “We’re Fine”

Are you stuck?

Has your Muse gone on holiday, and the Beast of Writer’s Block reared its ugly head in their absence?

Let me help you. Because I have here a challenge! Think you can take it? Step on in, select your weapon, and send that Beast packing!

This week, I bring you the very first instalment of Challenge Corner – and here’s your task:

Write something including this line: “…but if anyone asks, tell them we’re fine.”

It can be at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. It can be dialogue, or narration. It can be in a poem, in a story, or whatever you like! There’s only one rule for the basic challenge: you have to have that line.

Too easy, you say?

Well, never fear! All my challenges come with super bonus options. These are optional extras – you don’t have to do them, but you get bonus points* if you do!

+ Single Bonus if a character says this while locked in a box.

++ Double Bonus if they were lured into the box with a promise of sweets.

+++ Triple Bonus if they actually got sweets!

++++ Quadruple Bonus and my everlasting admiration if you manage to get all of the above into a poem. 😉

So, which will you go for? Share your choice with us in the comments! And when you’ve finished writing, bring a link to the work over here, too – there’s nothing cooler than seeing what different people do with the same prompt! There’s no deadline on challenges – I’ll always be happy to see works based on these things.

What are you waiting for? Get writing!

Cadi x

*Disclaimer: Points may or may not actually exist. I won’t be keeping track, but by all means keep score for yourself!


Cadi is a Computer Science student from the UK, with hair that keeps changing colour and a mind that keeps changing topic. She writes, doodles, photographs and cooks, and gets far too excited about all of them in turn. Because it's worth getting excited about stuff.

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11 Responses

  1. Hannah says:

    Thank you for the result of this challenge:

  2. adakeja romoke jane says:

    As susan entered d apartmnt she shares with her family n came face 2 face with her younger sister_joy,she culdn’t hold d tears she jst let it fall.After some minutes,she blurted out..”joy,am tired”then she recounted 2 her sister hw all her efforts to gather money for their mother’s treatment(who,by d way is seriously ill in d hospital)was all in vain.Joy got 2 her feet,told her sister nt 2 worry dat GOD will surely smile on them…heading 4 d door she said,”i’m off 2 see mrs adamu,she promised me some money”.At dat moment,susan wiped her face n said,”joy,remember 2 b discreet…bt if anyone asks,tell them we’re fine.”

    • Cadi says:

      Hey adakeja!

      Glad to see you’re taking on the challenge! Since blog comments are a pretty restrictive format, can I suggest that in future you post your stories as Literary works or blog posts over at the main YWS site and paste a link here? You’ll have more space there, and it’ll be easier for other people to read and review! Also remember there’s no rush for these things – you can take as long as you want to write a piece as long as you want, and I’ll always be happy to look at it after.

      Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next week!

      Cadi x

  3. Niteowl says:

    I also earned quadruple bonus points. Interesting challenge!

  4. Cole says:

    I’m so going to write a short story about this! I’ll let you know when it’s finished.

  5. Ary says:

    There’s the link to my work! 🙂 I actually did it!…sorry, first time doing a challenge or prompt?…anyways, I’ve been suffering of the writer’s block lately. 🙁 So, I decided to give this a try and it worked! It took me at least like 30 minutes but I finished it. 😀

    Here’s the link again, just to be sure:

  6. Ary says:

    I actually it!!! 🙂 Sorry, first time doing a challenge. Anyways, I’ve been suffering writer’s block for a few weeks 🙁 So I decided to do the challenge and it worked! I actually finished it! Although, it took me like 40 minutes to finish but still, Yay!!!
    Anyways, here’s the link again just in case:
    Enjoy! 🙂

  7. WritingWolf says:

    I did a poem…

    And just so I can keep track myself, how many points do I get. 😀

  8. Deanie says:

    Well, this might be a very late entry! 😛 Like months late. But I might as well put it here anyways ^^

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