Romance and Cliches
Some of you would say that the two are inseparable. Maybe they are. For the sake of Valentine’s Day, I think I’ve found a few ways to fend off the clichés though! 1....
Write Gooder, not Better
Some of you would say that the two are inseparable. Maybe they are. For the sake of Valentine’s Day, I think I’ve found a few ways to fend off the clichés though! 1....
Tumblr is great for cat gifs and SuperWhoLock crossover fanart, but with endless hours (don’t even pretend, “just a few more posts” at ten o’clock always turns into that bleary-eyed realization at 3am that you’re...
If you’re a bookish person on the internet, there’s no way you’ve missed what’s gone down since J.K. Rowling admitted that she shouldn’t have put Ron and Hermione together. This has understandably angered a...
Growing up, there was always one thing my friends would say that I just could never understand: “I hate reading.” ‘How can you hate reading?’ I would wonder. Sure, there are the books that...
If you haven’t already, you really should subscribe to the YWS Facebook Page. We’ll post items of interest there in addition to memes and other funny images. In fact, over the more than 3...
One of the questions I receive most often from members of the Young Writers Society is how do you protect your work online? It’s a common concern, and unfortunately there’s no simple way to...
Have you noticed how Writing Gooder has a new theme now? It’s called Hueman, and it’s the perfect theme to highlight a new and refreshed Writing Gooder going forward. We have now an almost...
It’s the ides of NaNoWriMo! Or, in other words, November 15. If you’re participating in it and you’re doing an equal number of words per day, then you should be at 25,000 by now....
Newsreader: Good evening. This is the 6 o’clock news at the Novelists’ News Network studio. Novelists around the world are preparing for ‘Thirty Days and Nights of literary abandon’ according to the organisers of National Novel...
Wow. Last night’s The Legend of Korra, “Beginnings” Part 1 and 2, still has me reeling! It felt less like an hour-long episode of television and more like a feature length film. It ranks...