Category: General

Weekly Writing Challenge:  Better Know a Character 2

Weekly Writing Challenge: Better Know a Character

“When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature.”–Ernest Hemingway This week’s challenges are a little different.  I found myself thinking about how we get...

What is YWS Reading 0

What is YWS Reading

For the purposes of, uh, research? Fun? I went onto the chatbar one day and asked certain members what they were reading! Here are their thoughts and recommendations, in their own, exact and not...


Have You Seen This?: Hemingway App

Okay, so I might be a little late to the party with this one. I’ve seen it circulating amongst my writer circles for a month or so now and I was always pretty skeptical....


5 Reasons NOT to Study Creative Writing

Last week, I shared my top 5 reasons to study Creative Writing in college/university, but even I know it’s not all sunshine and roses. I’ve loved every minute of my degree, don’t get me...


5 Reasons to Study Creative Writing

For a lot of folks in the US, college decision time is just around the corner, and since you’re here at Writing Gooder it’s safe to say that you might be entertaining the idea...