Word of the Week #16
Marjorie’s new boyfriend was sly and fissilingual. fissilingual (adj) [fi-sê-LING-gwêl] 1. Having a forked tongue (as in, speaking deceitfully)
Write Gooder, not Better
Marjorie’s new boyfriend was sly and fissilingual. fissilingual (adj) [fi-sê-LING-gwêl] 1. Having a forked tongue (as in, speaking deceitfully)
“Write even when the world is chaotic. You don’t need a cigarette, silence, music, a comfortable chair, or inner peace to write. You just need ten minutes and a writing implement.” -Cory Doctorow
Looking at war photography always gave Carrie a deep sense of weltschmerz. weltschmerz (noun) [VELT-shmertz] 1. Sadness or pessimism over the suffering in the world.
I didn’t know where Squeaky Malone glommed the cash he was waving around that night, but it didn’t surprise me when he turned up later at the bottom of the Hudson. glom (verb) [glom]...
Lawks a mercy, Susanna, Gallifrey’s not in Ireland! You’re such a piggesnye. piggesnye (noun) PEEG-eh-snee-yeh 1. “A cuckooflower”; someone who is pretty but not particularly bright.
She sat silent, listening to the psithurism high above her, and knew that here was peace. psithurism (noun) SITH-ur-izm 1. The sound of the wind in the trees
“I am more than the brittle bones and creaking joints that move me with purpose and something that once resembled grace. Rattle though they may and ache where they will, I am more than...
Why honey, Rebecca was such a gemutlich child I don’t see how you could possibly dislike her. gemutlich (adj.) gê-MUT-lik 1. Pleasant, amiable, friendly.