Author: Twit

Word of the Week #40 0

Word of the Week #40

Ted’s dissertation was little more than adoxography, and he failed that final year. adoxography (noun)  1. Beautiful writing on a subject of little or no importance.

Word of the Week #39 0

Word of the Week #39

The newly-hatched phoenix blazed like an incalescent flower, brightening the entire midnight sky. incalescent (adjective)  1. Growing hotter; set ablaze.

Word of the Week #38 0

Word of the Week #38

The music dirled through every fibre of his being, awakening his senses and dancing in his blood. dirl (verb)  1. To thrill, to vibrate, to tremble or quiver.

Word of the Week #37 1

Word of the Week #37

Athazagoraphobia is why I write. When I die, I want to have been more than a shout in the void. athazagoraphobia (noun)  1. Fear of being forgotten or ignored