Author: Twit

Word of the Week #45 0

Word of the Week #45

When I lost my job, she didn’t say anything, just pulled me into a cwtch that smelled of strawberries and her vanilla perfume, and made everything seem so much more bearable. cwtch (noun)  [KU-tch]...

Word of the Week #44 0

Word of the Week #44

The party was a nightmare–loud music, people I didn’t know and who I couldn’t talk to–so I fled to my growlery and made myself a nest of comfort amongst my books and chewing gum....

Word of the Week #43 0

Word of the Week #43

Their relationship had been strained for a while now, but David, ever the micawber, bought them tickets to the Twilight movie in an attempt to rekindle their spark. She dumped him a few weeks...

Word of the Week #42 0

Word of the Week #42

Jo succumbed to her clinomania and spent an entire month under the covers watching Chuck and eating candy canes. clinomania (noun)  1. Excessive desire to stay in bed.

Word of the Week #41 0

Word of the Week #41

It didn’t matter that Bill’s family was down to their last penny and their car had just been stolen, Lawrence was too induratised to care. induratise (verb)  1. To make one’s own heart hardened...