Word of the Week #50
Someone sent me a gif of a nest of daddy-long-legs, and I was immediately attacked by a horrible sense of formication. formication (noun) 1. The sense of ants or other small bugs swarming, over your...
Write Gooder, not Better
Someone sent me a gif of a nest of daddy-long-legs, and I was immediately attacked by a horrible sense of formication. formication (noun) 1. The sense of ants or other small bugs swarming, over your...
“Real magic can never be made by offering someone else’s liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.” -The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle
I count everyone who knows the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody as my kith. kith (noun) 1. Friends and acquaintances.
Tina was such a gobemouche, she truly believed that Han shot first. gobemouche (noun) [go-be-MUSH] 1. A very gullible person who believes everything he or she hears, no matter how absurd.
The walls were covered in quivers, arrows, and framed pictures of Legolas–all clues that their mysterious benefactor was a toxophilite. toxophilite (noun) [tok-SOH-fi-lait] 1. A devotee of archery, an archery enthusiast, an archery lover.
Bill’s bumptious date completely dominated the dinner conversation with unlikely anecdotes about his years as an MI5 agent. bumptious (adjective) 1. Offensively assertive, obnoxiously pushy, arrogantly forward.
“Whenever you’re furious with your parents or you think they’re terrible, just remember: you vomited on them, and they kept you.” -John Green