Author: Twit

Word of the Week #55 0

Word of the Week #55

I never saw how Catherine could love Edgar; he was such a namby-pamby he cried during Twilight.  namby-pamby (noun)  1. A weak, insipid or childish person.

Quote of the Week #55 0

Quote of the Week #55

“Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver.” -Countess Markievicz, 19th-century Irish revolutionary

Word of the Week #53 0

Word of the Week #53

Dr Rich’s prescriptions were always so messy. I could never make sense of his cacography.  cacography (noun)  1. Bad handwriting.

Word of the Week #52 0

Word of the Week #52

Chuck gave a very luculent speech on the merits of David Tennant over Matt Smith.  luculent (adj.)  1. Clear, lucid, easily understood.

Quote of the Week #51 0

Quote of the Week #51

“Poets are always taking the weather so personally. They’re always sticking their emotions into things that have no emotions.” -JD Salinger