Quote of the Week #60
“It was nice — in the dark and the quiet… and her eyes looking back, like there was something in me worth seeing.” -Paper Towns, by John Green
Write Gooder, not Better
“It was nice — in the dark and the quiet… and her eyes looking back, like there was something in me worth seeing.” -Paper Towns, by John Green
The apricity of the morning filled her heart with gladness. apricity (noun) 1. The warmth of the sun in winter.
“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being, not just with my hands but with my heart.” -Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi
Louisa didn’t realise that standing on the right side of the escalator was the ultimate taboo. She was soon trampled by a mob of angry commuters. taboo (noun) 1. Anything culturally or socially forbidden.
“We’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us.” -Johnny Depp
It is this kakistocracy that is responsible for the potholes in the roads and the over-priced sliced bread. kakistocracy (noun) 1. Government by the worst, least competent individuals.
I grew up on an estate full of contumacious teenagers and rabid dogs. contumacious (adjective) 1. Flagrantly disobedient, stubbornly, wilfully resistant, rebellious.
“I can’t stand how we’re treated at work!” Bill exclaimed. “We’re basically chattel.” chattel (noun) 1. Any moveable possessions.