Author: PenguinAttack
Motivation Monday
Oh wow we’re at that time of the year already! Where did our months of delight go, where have our weeks of peace disappeared to, where have our magic days gone?! Well, they’ve gone...
Sunday Serial: Poppy McJay #4
It took Poppy McJay a grand total of one hour and thirty seven minutes to get ready. Even though her dress and shoes had been lying on her bed for the better part of...
Motivation Monday
Some days are harder than others, we all know this. And some days, despite our special efforts and despite our particular attention, it’s all just too much to be bothered with. This isn’t an...
Sunday Serial: Poppy McJay #3
6Pm on the dot and Jacob Tenner was pressing the doorbell to Poppy McJay’s house. He could hear the scuffle of footsteps and a murmur of disagreement on the other side of the door...
Sunday Serial: Poppy McJay #2
Jacob Tenner tossed his jacket over the newel post in the hallway and ducked in to the lounge to check if his parents were home. The television was blissfully silent and the light shadow...
Sunday Serial: Poppy McJay #1
Welcome to the very first Sunday Serial! From this week onward you’ll be getting a weekly update of several serial stories. Beginning with the romance of Poppy McJay! Poppy McJay Poppy McJay doesn’t...