Stephen King on Twilight vs. Harry Potter
“Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.” – Stephen King Agree?...
Write Gooder, not Better
“Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.” – Stephen King Agree?...
Growing up, “The Hunt for Red October” by Tom Clancy was a big book in my household, owing chiefly to the fact that my dad was a Naval officer in the US submarine fleet....
In between work, school, family, friends, feeding parakeets, etc., it can be tough to find the time to write 2,000 words per day. But with NaNoWriMo coming up soon, a lot of people will...
Sharing your work online is tough. You never know how people are going to react, and what you consider to be your best writing may end up being called a mess by others. Fortunately,...
Plagiarism and copyright infringement often get confused together, which makes sense. The two are often used interchangeably, and they often pop up together. If you plagiarise something, you’ve probably also committed copyright infringement. However,...
It’s hard to beat the old notepad and pen combo. The problem with computers is that it’s so easy to get distracted — you can go back and forth while you write, correcting typos...
There are a couple ways to think about which book is your favorite. Was it something interesting you read that changed your life? Or was it a deeply engrossing novel consisting of pure entertainment?...
The flawed concept of good vs. evil: The philosophy of Hayao Miyazaki I am incredibly surprised by how well my films are received in America. I never expected them to be because even in...
How to Write a Novel: 7 Tips Everyone Can Use 1. Write the story you’d most want to read. Don’t write a story just because you think it might be a bestseller or that...
Amazon to allow writers to sell fan-fiction Amazon Publishing has reached out to fan fiction writers with Kindle Worlds, a platform allowing authors to write fan fiction based on someone else’s work and share royalties with...