Author: Lauren

So, what do you do with an English degree? 3

So, what do you do with an English degree?

One of my favorite professors once made an excellent point. No ivy league school offers a degree in business. Now, this is particularly relevant to my university because we have a fairly prestigious (and...

Getting an Agent: Three Vital Steps 1

Getting an Agent: Three Vital Steps

I’d love to know about like…the usual process you have to go through to get a manuscript in order for sending off to an agent? One of the coolest things about young writers is...

I want your questions! 2

I want your questions!

Lovely readers, you may have noticed my brief absence from my usual slot on Saturdays where I babble on about publishing and books and being a professional at this writer thing. Part of this...

The Great YWS Design Contest 0

The Great YWS Design Contest

If you’ve been around YWS for a while, you may recall what was once the YWS store. Just one look at the merchandise gathering dust in that cafepress makes it obvious that our designs...