Word of the Week #9
Can you hear the brontide from the barricades? brontide (n) [bron’tīd] 1. A rumbling noise resembling thunder.
Write Gooder, not Better
Can you hear the brontide from the barricades? brontide (n) [bron’tīd] 1. A rumbling noise resembling thunder.
“I can’t imagine anything worse than being required to have fun.” – Scott Westerfeld
Being the nelipot she was, Svetlana often scraped the soles of her feet. nelipot (n) ‘nel-i-pot\ 1. A person who walks barefoot.
Phyllis is such an agelast, don’t you think? agelast (n) [AJ-uh-last] 1. A person who never laughs, especially at jokes.
“Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up.” – Stephen King
Man, Cyril just played an amazing hemidemisemiquaver! hemidemisemiquaver (noun) [ˌhɛmɪˌdɛmɪˈsɛmɪˌkweɪvə] 1. A musical note played for 1/64 of the duration of a whole note. Also known as a sixty-fourth note.
Dear me, Lady Francesca, your pincushion is so erinaceous! erinaceous (adj) /ˌɛ.rɪˈneɪ.ʃəs/ 1. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog.